What is in the Library?


Human Intellect is a concept, and the Intellect Scan is the best technology we have found to understand a person's intellectual diversity.  The scan measures you across 13 human traits, and those traits reveal important information about you as a person.

Here's our promise:

Intellectual Diversity is present every day. The scan & resources help you make sense of what is happening around you and why you feel the way you do

The 4 minute video below shares more about that promise...



Your library has your results along with resources to apply the scan to your life.  Watch the 30 minute video below to hear how we use the resources in our lives.



Jump into what is most relevant today

You can pick a predefined path to apply the scan to your inner self, relationship, or professional pursuits

You can choose an email flow that introduces you to the resources

You can flip through the cards and pick the one that matches what you are dealing with

Professional Support

If you are currently working with a coach or therapist, then you can bring this new awareness into that engagement. Reach out to Sara at [email protected] for suggestions.

And here are some of the ways we've personally come alongside people to apply intellectual diversity to their lives.

Personal Alignment

Taking a look at your inner self and outer life in context of your scan

A 3-session package for $450

Professional Alignment

Taking a look at your past, present, and future in context of your scan

A 3-session package for $450

His Hers Ours

Using your scans to explore your relationship's diversity 

$450 for a couple